Made Visible exists to help people living with invisible illnesses feel more seen, heard and supported.

It’s also meant for people who do not have a connection to invisible illness to be more educated and better advocates.

When it comes to invisible illness, there’s so much we don’t know unless we are willing to listen

Every single person with an invisible illness has an important story to tell and knowledge to share. When it comes to invisible illness, there’s so much we don’t know unless we are willing to listen. And it’s not just the invisible illness community that needs this information--it’s everyone. With invisible illness, you don’t know what people are going through unless you choose to stay informed. 

As the founder of Made Visible, I collaborate with companies and universities to foster inclusivity and connection amongst employees facing invisible illnesses through my signature experiential keynote session on storytelling and the Made Visible Storytellers Workshop (MVSP). 

Signature Experiential Keynote Session: Coming Out of Hiding to Help Others Share Their Story

feel seen, heard & supported

The 1-hour signature experiential keynote session includes Harper sharing:

The feelings of shame and embarrassment for having a rare primary immunodeficiency since birth

Reasons why she began writing and talking about navigating life with an invisible illness

The story behind how the podcast and brand, Made Visible was born 

The value of sharing her story that has empowered others to do the same

The challenges of navigating an invisible illness in the workplace  

The importance of listening and seeing people for who they really are even if it’s not externally visible

Tips for sharing your story and getting vulnerable

Tips for being more supportive, accepting and understanding of colleagues with invisible illnesses

This session is perfect for:


Showing your companies commitment to team members with invisible illnesses who may have felt ashamed and silenced


Acknowledging and celebrating health awareness days/months such as: 

  • Rare Disease Day (February 29th)

  • Primary Immunodeficiency Awareness Month (April)

  • Mental Health Awareness Month (May) 

  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day (May 18th) 

  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month/NDEAM (October)


Launching your chronic & invisible illness and disability Employee Resource Group


Supporting your team members who want to disclose that they have an invisible illness at work yet don’t know how to share their story

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Made Visible Storytellers Program (MVSP)

Weaving connection through storytelling

Made Visible’s 12-week program empowers companies with a powerful tool when it comes to talking about invisible illness and disability: storytelling.

The MVSP is 12-weeks for 75-minutes per week.

The program includes sessions to learn, write, share and prioritizes the well-being of participants. Sharing your invisible illness story is vulnerable, especially for those who have never spoken about it at work before. The coaching container is a space where participants will be validated, seen, and heard as they experiment with telling their health story. In this program, participants will be provided with confidence building tools, resources, writing prompts, and exercises to get comfortable sharing their story. 

The program also emphasizes education company-wide, as it’s essential for people across teams and leadership levels to understand the experience of living with an invisible illness. This helps galvanize awareness and makes all team members feel valued and seen.

Please reach out if you're interested in incorporating one of these offers into your company's initiatives.

Looking to develop a customized solution tailored to your needs, particularly focusing on addressing invisible illnesses in the workplace? I would love to connect with you.

Words of appreciation

For Made Visible Programs

My experience with Harper was nothing short of amazing. Harper has a way of connecting with people in a genuine way that makes even introverts like me comfortable. I loved speaking with Harper about my journey with invisible illness – and speaking about my invisible illness is not always an easy thing to do, especially when others don’t understand what it’s like. But Harper does, and that makes all the difference in the world.

Rachel Wilson, Regulatory and Investigations Analyst, UBS

Harper's writing workshop on hidden disabilities and illnesses made visible was incredibly effective and impactful for our corporate audience. She was a sincere and effective thought partner as we planned for the workshop and made sure to tailor her talk for our employees and specific context. Her authenticity and vulnerable leadership helped those on the call open up and engage with their own unique journeys. The workshop was highly rated by those who attended and has helped us increase a sense of workplace belonging at PCG.

Jessica Heron, DEI Specialist, Public Consulting Group (PCG)

I worked with Harper to bring her in a virtual keynote session to my company in celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). When we first met her, we truly believed that she has a unique story to share. Working with her to organize the session was smooth and easy because Harper communicates clearly and effectively with proficiency. When she shared her story with our employees at our event, everyone was moved by her vulnerability. Harper also led us through self-exploratory writing exercises that helped us explore our relationship with disabilities and accessibility which I think moved everyone and brought awareness to disability and accessibility, which was the goal of our event. We thank Harper for helping us accomplish our goal and for sharing her story which touched the hearts of many. I highly recommend working with Harper for any related subjects—she’s a gem!

Madilyne Nguyen-Acosta , Specialist, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Sony Music Group

“We recently invited Harper to give a presentation on invisible illness through a lunch hour webinar. I cannot recommend Harper enough as a speaker. We received outstanding feedback on this event and on Harper’s openness, knowledge of the subject matter and ability to connect with the audience in telling her story. Harper took the time to really tailor her presentation to her audience and leave plenty of participation time embedded throughout. Harper is precise in her communications and also in setting up the logistics for this event. I would highly recommend Harper to host a presentation for anyone looking to educate and involve their colleagues in learning about invisible illness!”

Jacqueline Condron, Senior Vice President, Mellon Investments

We hosted an event with Harper for Mental Health Awareness Month and it was awesome! The discussion was introspective, insightful, and highly engaging. I'd highly recommend working with Harper for any ERG events or corporate programmigng.

Dumebi Egbuna, Co-Founder of Chezie

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